My name is Renate Rain and I found ICE (intentional cold exposure) in September of 2021 when I took a one minute cold plunge into the Puget Sound. I was looking to strengthen my mitochondria but what I found was relief from my chronic back pain, completely unexpected! It was that immediate impact that got me started on the journey that led me on a path to serving others and then guiding ice baths!
Having never been a fan of any type of cold, this was quite surprising for me and I began to research and experiment with the cold... lots of trial and error. I also began inviting people to join me, which led to me founding a wonderful community, The Puget Sound Plungers.
We cold plunged for a full year together, every season in all weather, and I continued to learn and grow. I discovered that with my cold plunging practice, my anxiety and depression were greatly reduced and I began to develop confidence. A confidence that I never experienced before. I call it cold confidence.
I flew to Arizona to have my first ice bath and learned about colder water- ice water. It is powerfully cold, and so powerful in it's healing! The most passive healing modality I had never heard of, in fact, with people receiving benefits from their very first experience.
I decided to bring that power to Washington and became a certified Morozko Method Deliberate Cold Exposure (DCE) Guide.
I started hosting ice bath workshops in my back yard, and Cold Confidence LLC was formed! A Morozko Forge Prism is now in my studio, which is in a portion of my home. I am open by appointment and am thrilled to be helping people find their healthiest and happiest self with the power of cold water!
I added a certification in Sherpa Breath and Cold Coaching, to expand my abilities to guide people through intentional cold exposure with the power of the breath. Helping people find their cold confidence is truly my dream come true!
The lessons I learn in the cold water help me to embrace discomfort in my everyday life and I am finding myself feeling much more balanced and able to experience peace, joy and calm regardless of what is happening around me.
I look forward to meeting you, and guiding you. And I wish you cold water.